Friday, April 20, 2012


Before we left for Galatia, we toured the city of Istanbul. This is a wall around the old city that protected the city from invaders. It was built by the Romans.

They are restoring the wall slowly, here is a section finished as it looked 2000 years ago. It goes on forever! People garden in the foreground where there used to be a moat.

We took a boat tour down the Bosphorus Straight. On one side of the straight is Asia and on the other is Europe, however both are in Istanbul and both are in Turkey.

On the boat

Karen, Karen's bother Marvin and his wife Kay.

We went to the side market. Amazing spices! Marvin and Kay.

These are all varieties of olives!

A last view of Istanbul. Ian learning a lot about Turkey. Tonight we just arrived in Ankara, which is the capital of Turkey. Our hotel is beautiful, the bus ride was 6 hours and tomorrow we have another 8 hours to get down to Tarsis. We are in Ankara, which is in the region of Galatia in the bible. Galatia is a region where the Galls came many years ago. The Gals were from Gall, France. So this area was known as GALL-atia. So when Paul writes to the Galatians he is not writing to a town but to an area in the middle of Turkey or what would have been then called Asia Minor.

I will write every night I have Internet access. Thanks for following, I am learning a lot every day!

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