The Old Testament prophet Elijah had just had a huge victory over his enemies, the priests of Baal. They lost and he won, so he had them killed.
The queen of the land Jezebel was away when all this happened and she comes back and is really mad at Elijah because she felt she had lost her connection to god, and by losing her connection to god, she also felt she had lost here power. So she swore that she would kill Elijah. So he runs for his life and hides in a cave. (PLU's football coach, Frosty Westering, often said it was a short distance from the penthouse to the outhouse! I guest Elijah just found out how short it is.)
Elijah is in despair. He has had it and he is scared.
But God never leaves us alone. It may feel that way, but God is always close at hand. The same was true for Elijah.
An angel comes to Elijah, taps him on the shoulder, and gives him some food and says, "Get up and eat, otherwise the journey will be too hard for you." He eats the food of God.
The angel comes another time and does the same thing.
Now the miracle! He went out on the strength of that food for 40 days and 40 nights!!!!
Are you feeling like Elijah? The world is after you and crushing down on you? Your enemies seem large and intimidating? The world's food will not be enough for you to make it through. You have lost your strength.
There is a food that will give you the strength you need. It is a food that never stops. It is abundant and plentiful. It is the bread of heaven, Jesus. Cry out to Jesus! Ask for his help. Look for strength from God. Look for Gods angels to come to you in ways you do not recognize. Find this abundant bread at a worship service in Jesus' church. Look to the true bread that gives you strength forever.